Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

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Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Factory Factory (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:13 am

Ho ho hello, neiiiiiighbors! It's Horsie Santa, your favorite secular Hearth's Warming mascot! I'm here today to invite you to...


Secret Celestia is a Secret Santa gift exchange for members of our little community. Sign up, give a gift, and brighten someone's holiday season.

:vogue: :)

-- Questions and Answers --


  1. Post a wish list in this thread!
  2. Send an e-mail to horsiesanta[at]gmail[dot]com with the following information:
    • Your forums nickname
    • Your name and a shipping address where you can receive a shipment! It needs to be enough info for your local postal service. DO NOT PM THIS, USE THE E-MAIL.
    • Whether you are willing to have an international Santee (please yes!)
    • and/or whether you are signing up as a Super Secret Santa or a Lovable Urchin, and whether you would like to send a postcard to an Urchin
    • Whether you want your Secret Celestia package decorated or plain and discrete
  3. Receive your Secret Santee via PM, find a tasteful gift for them around $15-$20, and ship it!
  4. Share pictures of your Secret Santa gifts on December 25th in this thread, and have a big ol' holiday hugpile.
Sign-ups end 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday, November 11, and assignments will go out by forum PM soon after!
And for those of you who will read:

Who can sign up?

You can! Members of this forum old and new are welcome.

When do I have to sign up by?

Signups are open NOW and will close 11:59 PM EST on Sunday, November 11.

Should I sign up for international...?

If you can, yes! If it's difficult to ship internationally from home, it's okay to order something from your Santee's local Amazon or other e-tailer for them. International shipping can make things complicated, but our community is spread all over the world, so it's worth it!

Dealing with customs can be tricky, but if you pack things well and wrap your gifts in gift wrap, things should be pretty straightforward!

I guess if you just have to send your Santee a novelty bowling ball made of solid steel, it's fine to stick to domestic shipping (i.e. within the US, within the EU, etc.). But it better be a really nice solid steel novelty bowling ball!

What should I put in my wishlist?

Anything your fuzzy heart desires, as long as it's appropriate for polite company! Give a good variety of options, too, if you can! Snacks, hobby items, art supplies, pretty trinkets, an art print... General categories like "comic books" are fine, but remember that you Santa may not know your exact tastes! The more variety in your wishlist, the easier a time your Santa will have.

If there is something you *don't* want, say so! Strong preferences against, food allergies, etc.

Don't forget to say whether you want your package to be blinged out in horsie memes or not! Some folks like their Secret Santa gifts to be discrete, and that's okay!

What should I expect to send and get?

Secret Celestia gifts should represent true thoughtfulness and consideration. You should plan to spend about $15 to $20 on the gift itself, and expect to receive something about that value. It's okay to spend more, but if you spend less and it's really obvious you cheaped out... well, not only is that not cool, but you will be marked a Miser and banned from TRS.

What if I want to send my Santee something not on their wishlist? What if I'm not sure which thing is the best thing?

First of all, you can always PM me to relay questions to your Santee. You always have that option. But also, if you have come up with something that you think is really cool and worthwhile and excites you, share that!

If you're going to send a gag gift, please be sure your Santee will appreciate it. :v:

What should I not send or include in my wishlist?

Nothing illegal to send or receive, nothing that would get seized by customs, and nothing that will break along the way. A few specifics from past experience:
  • Nothing dangerous, even if it's a collectible (e.g. knives)
  • Avoid perishables, especially meat and produce.
  • Alcohol may be okay domestically, but it's usually a no-go internationally.
  • Liquids need to be packed super well, because breaking happens and liquids fare the worst in that situation.
Also avoid super weird or esoteric things that could be really difficult for your Santa to fulfill.

What are the Lovable Urchin/Super Secret Santa things?

As in past years, we will be matching people who want to send extra gifts (Super Secret Santas) with folks whose circumstances don't allow them to send gifts as part of the regular exchange (Lovable Urchins). Super Secret Santa sign-up is always "as circumstances allow," but I hope we can make it happen again! It's a really nice way to bring cheer to people who could really use it, and it brightens the holidays for all of us.

Additionally, I'd like to try something new this year! Everyone is encouraged to sign up to send a postcard to an Urchin! At each Urchin's request, cards can be sent individually if they're comfortable giving out their address, aggregated by me and sent all together to keep addresses more confidential, or skipped if the Urchin thinks this is a silly idea! I still have the cards I've received in previous years, myself, and I think they're lovely little keepsakes that remind me friendships and cheer.

New thing, but I hope it goes nicely and brings lots of smiles.

I signed up, but I've got a problem...

Let me know as soon as possible via PM! We'll figure it out, don't worry.

Okay, I've received a package. Now what?

Do your best not to open it until December 25th, your time! Things happen, but even if they do and you open it early, absolutely no posting about the contents until the 25th, either!

Photos and happy posts are real good. December 25th should be a tsunami of good holiday cheer! Sharing your excitement and joy is a gift in itself, for all of us. :)

I have other questions.

That's not a question. That said, you can always PM me for any reason. If you're going to discuss sensitive personal information, e-mail me at horsiesanta[at]gmail[dot]com instead, and send me a PM bugging me to check that e-mail box just in case!


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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:21 am

Heck yeah, signing up!


1. Art supplies. I draw traditionally, and I tend to draw in large batches, so I go through a LOT of supplies.

Paper: I'm content with a good 8.5x14 cardstock (here's an example), but Smooth Bristol board pad is also good.

Ink: I like using fountain pen-suitable permanent ink. I heard good things about this brand, for example. These are also good.

Posca markers: A lot of my artist friends are telling me these pens are great, so I figure I'll list it here just in case :v:

2. Comic Books: I love collecting these. I wouldn't mind getting the rest of "Hilda" (I have the first three books), and recent MLP comic books from IDW would be worth checking out. As far as trade collections of newspaper comics, I'm honestly good for now, having bought a bunch on my own already recently.

If you come across any weird Indie stuff, especially if you're outside US, that would be neat!

3. Animation DVDs. Never get enough of those. I would like to get the rest of those Kino Lorbor DePatie-Freleng sets (I have "Tijuana Toads", "Blue Racer", and "The Dogfather" already). I wouldn't mind getting the "Top Cat" set, being a fan of the show, as well as DVD season sets of MLP (I only have seasons 1 and 3 boxsets), early "Simpsons" until season 8 (I have seasons 1 and 3), "Bob's Burgers", and "Archer".

4. Snacks! These are always welcome, especially if they're something from your local area! Chocolates are my thing, especially.
Last edited by Mr. Big on Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Aramek (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:29 am

Hell yes.

1. Something that is local to you. Something that shows off your wonderful home. Coffee, candy, soda, beer, whatever you're known for and love to show off to the world. I love coffee and I love tea.

2. Rarity is best main six. Starlight Glimmer is best non main six. I own one pony shirt believe it or not! The Doctor got it for me last year, so if you wanna really grind Aramek, now's your chance!

3. I love jazz. I love retrowave. I love Disco.

4. I love RPGs the most of all games. Board games too. You know of a board game that you love that nobody every talks about or plays, maybe I'd love it!

American men's shirt XL.
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Octavia (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:31 am

Aww yeah, I'm in. :cooliebelle:

Time to copy and edit last year's wish post. :v:

Shirt Size: Men's Large. If you get me a shirt, it can be as subtle or unsubtle as you like, but I much prefer shirts that have few to no words. I like it if a shirt tells a story with a picture rather than words.

Favorite Ponies: Octavia, duh. Rainbow Dash is my 2nd favorite and she has my favorite cutie mark. Other great ponies: Rarity, Scootaloo, Starlight Glimmer

Specific Pony Stuff I Want: This Rainbow Dash Piggy Bank. I also really like the 4de plushes and the only 2 of the main 6 I don't have already are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

Specific Pony Stuff I DON'T Want: I already have way too many posters and prints, far too many to hang up. I also have plenty of pony glassware, mugs, flasks, and coasters. I already have a Fluttershy Build-A-Bear plush, as well as Funko Vinyls of Octavia and Scootaloo, and every McDonald's 4th gen pony toy ever made.

Non-Specific Pony Stuff I Want: Anything unique involving any of the ponies I listed under my favorites

Non-Pony Stuff I Want: Unique food from your area! Doesn't matter if it's super spicy, sweet, sour, salty, pickled, or whatever. I'll eat it. My favorite candy is chocolate-covered pretzels, so I do really enjoy the sweet + salty combo. A unique musical instrument would be really cool too. I'll try to learn to play it and there's a high likelihood I'll actually use it in a track that gets played on television. It's already happened before with other instruments I've bought on a whim, like a jaw harp, kazoo, kalimba and ukulele. Finally I play ice hockey, so anything hockey related would be cool as well. My favorite team is the Chicago Blackhawks and my favorite current players are Jonathan Toews and Alex DeBrincat.

One Last Thing: DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED TO FOLLOW THIS LIST! Some of the best gifts I've ever received have been things I didn't ask for, so if you see something you'd think I'd like, go for it! Also, feel free to decorate the box with as much pony as you like!

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by theGECK (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:05 am

:anticipation: :anticipation: :anticipation: :pinkietoot: :pinkietoot: :pinkietoot: :crack: :crack: :crack:

I'm in!

- Clothing: No clothing, please. Unless you're sending me fun cute socks that fit size 13 (women's).
- Ponies: Scootaloo and Rarity are both best pony. I have far too few plushies of both of them, but especially Scootaloo.
- Food: I like food! And this year I don't have to care about gluten free stuff! Cookies are amazing.
- Digital: Here's my Steam wishlist. Blizzard cards/gifted Hearthstone stuff is very appreciated.
- Other: Card games that can be played with people! Stuff like BANG! Or any other board/card games.
- Other2: Other properties that I could consider myself a fan of are Hearthstone (almost as much as pony!), Calvin & Hobbes (but who isn't?), Steven Universe, and One Piece. I'm always on the lookout for interesting shows I haven't seen though - animation quality and/or unique character design is something that I universally find myself drawn to.

- Lastly but not leastly, surprises! Things you think I would like that I don't know about!

And feel free to decorate as pony-riffic as you want to.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Venusy (?) » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:04 pm

Pretty similar list to last year:

T-shirt size: UK XL
Ponies: Fluttershy, Rarity, Discord; avoid pony clothing
Packaging decoration: OK!

1. Something I can use - practical things like the watch Aramek got me (before I switched to a Pebble), travel-safe multitools, a cute outfit, the overpriced underwear you always hear about on podcasts, etc.
2. Video game memorabilia - I've got some of the recent Spyro and first wave of Undertale merchandise, but more cool stuff is always appreciated! Pokรฉmon, Sonic, Crash, etc. Avoid toys-to-life stuff, I have way too many of those. Or surprise me with something, you can see my game history on Xbox and Steam! I keep a fairly well stocked wishlist on Amazon if you want to look at that. If going for shirts then more subtle stuff is appreciated - things like Fangamer's polo shirts, for example, I still haven't bought the Annoying Dog one. (Also not video game related but adjacent, there's stuff like The Adventure Zone!)
3. I have a fursona, and commissions of them are always appreciated - particularly con badges for ConFuzzled next year (theme: secret agents) - but if you know a rad artist and want to throw money at them for something.... Refs are here.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Smoke (?) » Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:47 am

Yep, gotta do this again of course as I've gotten such amazing stuff in the past few years already. Not much new on the wishlist front, so I'm just pretty much repurposing last year's.

- Model kits are my jam. Here's my Scalemates profile with a direct link to the wishlist. There's no need to pick something specific from that(there's some big items on there) as I'm happy with anything. The stuff I've already built or have might be helpful as a guide, you can find that under "Stash" and "Completed". Tools and paints and things I can find relatively easily here so there's no need for that.
- Pony stuff is always welcome, best horses are still fashion horse and apple horse.
- I'm also a big fan of Transformers, the Megaman games and the Zelda games.
- Candy and treats are welcome, I'll try anything once. It'd be nice to get something local from your area. I don't have any allergies you need to consider.
- In case you feel like sending t-shirts, I'm a US XL in size. I prefer the more subtle stuff so I can wear it to work too.
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Dong Strongly (?) » Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:23 pm

Itโ€™s that time of the time again. Time for people to do things, lists to be made, lists to be scrutinized, and our dark lord Santa weighs our hearts against a chunk of coal and if weโ€™re lucky, he doesnโ€™t let the dreaded Krampus loose down our chimneys.

Here is one of my lists:
-Old cameras, boy do I love old cameras. hereโ€™s a mostly complete list of my old cameras, there are so many Kodak Brownies and other box-type cameras which I keep in a box for some reason. I mean theyโ€™re in the box because theyโ€™re not all that interesting but some are interesting and it gets complicated. I really like Polaroids, especially ones that are extra old (where โ€œinstantโ€ meant you could have a print in less than 5 minutes) or that still have film being made (SX-70, 600, Spectra). If looking at so many cameras is too much, I get it and donโ€™t worry about it, do I really need more cameras?

-Foods and desserts. I love food and eating food and trying new things, especially stuff thatโ€™s unique to a specific area. Iโ€™m not allergic to anything except cats so please donโ€™t send me a bag of cat hair if thatโ€™s a thing people eat where you are. If you send me a huge thing of sweets Iโ€™m going to eat it all right away and get happy-sick.

-Horsie stuff, ehhhh. Not really? I have all the stuff Iโ€™m going to have in that regard, I donโ€™t collect art and if Iโ€™m gonna have a print of something Iโ€™m going to print it myself. I had 4 pony shirts but 2 were lost in a car wreck where my belongings ended up at the bottom of a river. Size is menโ€™s US XL, if you go this route maybe keep it subtle-ish, certainly no catchphrases like โ€œ20% MORE BRONYโ€. Fav horsies are Pinkie and Fluttershy.

-Weird, wonderful, unique, strange, even nightmarish stuff. Anything in the world with a story or even a story itself is worth something to me.

I am going to treasure the hell out of anything I get, regardless of what it is; however, I donโ€™t really play video games or watch anime or cartoons.
If thereโ€™s anything that might need clarification or if Iโ€™m being too demandy-pants just send a message to whoever is running this to relay to me that Iโ€™m being too finicky and impossible or vague or whatever because I donโ€™t want to come off as overly weird or difficult.

Canโ€™t wait to surprise someone else with my craziness!
Thicc like molasses thx 4 askin
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Princess Flufflebutt (?) » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:04 pm

Okay, fine. If you insist.


1. I'm a women's large when it comes to clothes and stuff

2. I love them vydja gaems. Either a game or something related to that is good.

3. I have a sweet tooth so candy is always welcome.


5. Cute, fluffy things are good things. :allears:

6. I do art stuff too. And I love art other people do! Art related things are good in my book.

7. Books. I love 'em, I need 'em. I read pretty much everything, but scifi and fantasy are usually the things I go for.

8. Don't be afraid to surprise me!

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Big Boss (?) » Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:02 pm

Hello forums. I have a nice list of ideas here for you.
  • Local food things. This means stuff that's special to where you're from or homemade things.
  • Plane stuff. I love things that are plane themed.
  • Fan stuff - I love Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Sailor Moon (specifically Jupiter), Star Vs., etc.
  • Video games - Vidyas are great, I have Steam, a switch, a PS4.
  • Camera stuff - like small accessories or books or doodads for cameras/photography. My camera is a Sony A-mount (a99ii).
Please do not send t-shirts or pony stuff. Other than that, I'm up for pretty much anything interesting.


Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by ToastGhost » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:09 pm

Wishlast later, might go double secret, heck yeah I'm in. :awesomedash:

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Madeline (?) » Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:39 pm

I did the urchin thing, if thatโ€™s okay :flutterdear: I wish I could participat for real, because giving is the most fun part. Also, if nobody can do the Super Secret Santa thing, I would still enjoy receiving some postcards. Because then I can pretend theyโ€™re for my birthday :-I :v:

I donโ€™t remember exactly what my wish list was! So I will try to recreate it sorta kinda.

Hi Super Secret Santa! Iโ€™ve been kinda flaky this year but the year is almost over and thatโ€™s good. I have no idea how to leave cookies and milk out for you via the postal system, or at least I am having trouble thinking of a method that does not involve powdered milk mix or the accidental creation and shipment of spoiled dairy and/or vegan products which might create a minor public health hazard.


Perhaps one day, the technology will exist to revisit this photo and eat the contents. We never know what the future will hold in the future, for that is where you and I will spend the rest of our lives. In the future.


Shirts: I am a womenโ€™s size 2XL-3XL US, or a manโ€™s XL/2XL, depending on the brand or cut. Iโ€™m not super into slogans or sayings, but I do appreciate nice art or designs.

Socks: My feet get cold easily in the winter, so thick comfy socks are great. :socks: My shoe size is menโ€™s 11, I donโ€™t know what that is in womenโ€™s sizes. :-I But I am totally down for cute or fun patterns or whatever (I mean, I own Legend of Zelda socks, I am a nerd, letโ€™s not kid ourselves here).

Pony: I still like the pony even if I have lapsed in watching it! Favorites are fashion pony and party pony, but I also like the CMCs and hat pony, as well as the princesses :speakest: :prettywings: :allright:

Plushies are ok (in general, not just of ponies). I have the mane 6, princesses, CMCs, and Spike in BAB form, but I always like ponies.

Music: Jazz, soul, glam, punk, funk and metal are all my kind of jam. I am kind of lacking in a few artists that I like, such as Prince (where I have Purple Rain and 1999, but not much else) and Iron Maiden (lots of streaming playlists, no full albums, shamefully enough :sheepish: ). I donโ€™t have a turntable anymore but CDs are fine.

Comics: I love comics! Some faves include anything Scott McCloud (Iโ€™ve only got a complete run of Zot! & Understanding Comics), Neil Gaiman, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (tho Iโ€™ve got the GN and every volume up to 7), The Unbelievable Gwenpool, and Phoebe & Her Unicorn. But I love trying new comics too, and Iโ€™m not picky as to genre. If you have a fave you think Iโ€™d like, share it!

Unique stuff: In the past Iโ€™ve gotten all sorts of handmade and other unique goodies in Secret Santa, and I always appreciate the time and care it takes to do that. Of course, if you donโ€™t have the time & money to spare, donโ€™t worry about it. Local foodstuffs are great too! I love anything chocolate, sweet-and-salty, or savory. I canโ€™t have alcohol or caffeine due to my medication regimen, but anything else is fair game.

General Nerdery: I love books and would be happy to see whatโ€™s going on in modern fantasy now, bonus points for LGBTQA+ representation but itโ€™s not mandatory.
LEGO is fun and relaxing to build.
Transformers are good (both IDW comics from the past 7 or so years and the newer toys). Iโ€™m not as keen on Bayformers.
I love love love Steven Universe, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Studio Ghibli movies, and DuckTales 2017, so anything related to those (that would also fit in the other categories!) would be keen too. I do have a talking Webby plush that my brother gave me, and some SU blindbags, but not much else.
Also, as a nerd, I am contractually obligated to like a Star Trek in some way. Generally I stick to TOS, TNG, and DS9. Havenโ€™t seen any of Discovery.
And of course, Nintendo. I already have a stuffed Kirby, but I would love anything Samus/Metroid, Peach, or Legend of Zelda (Iโ€™ve already got all the Metroid Amiibos tho, and all the games, even the bad ones :-I ). Pikachu and Eevee are both good too.
And Batman:TAS, and Batman Brave and the Bold.

Vidya Gaem: Yes okay I like these too. My PC keeps having issues, so best to stick to Switch for now. Iโ€™ve got BOTW, Odyssey, and Kirby, plus Okami, Sonic Forces, Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, Sonic Mania Plus, Shantae, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Night In the Woods, Blaster Master Zero, Wonder Boy: The Monsterโ€™s Curse and Oxenfree. I think thatโ€™s all of the ones I have. Itโ€™s more than I thought I had. :v: If something inexpensive strikes your fancy here, I am happy to try it!

And of course you are not obligated to use this as a shopping list! If I do get a Super Secret Santa, I put this list together so you can get an idea of what I like and what my interests are. If it inspires you to send something really off the wall and creative that I didnโ€™t mention at all, thatโ€™s cool too! And Iโ€™m still going to be happy if all I can get are the postcards, especially if they are handmade, funny, meme-y, or whatever.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope you have a great Secret Celestia yourself!
Last edited by Madeline on Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:52 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:25 pm

"The urchin thing" is more than okay, because if it wasn't, it wouldn't be offered. :vogue: If you haven't sent a wishlist to Factory, be sure to edit one into your post!
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Madeline (?) » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:48 pm

.duh-leted :-I
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Blarghalt (?) » Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:24 pm

Ho ho horsemas. :pinkietoot:

My wishlist is pretty simple:

- Soup mixes! The best you can find, within a reasonable price! :twonk:

- I also like enamel pins, and I'm always looking for good ones to add to my collection. Particularly stuff with skulls, but really anything will do.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by CorvusCaw (?) » Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:47 pm

Signing up. wish list will come later.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by The Doctor (?) » Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:27 pm

All signed up. Prepare to be Celestiaed, giftee! :scheming:

Gifts Ideas For The Doctor
1. Local foods. No liquor please, but I do love candy and black teas.

2. General Nerd stuff. I like Star Trek, LEGO, Doctor Who (duh)

3. Pony Stuff. If you see a nice Celestia T-Shirt, go for it. Mens XL or XXL will do, as it will be lounge wear.

4. Warm, thick socks for house lounging :socks:
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:36 pm

Yo! Here be my wishlist and all that. Above all else, thank you so much for your time and efforts, Santa. It's very appreciated. :3: I haven't participated in this for a few years so I'm very excited to both give and receive!

My life is currently in a bit of flux, my health is a big WIP and I'm hopefully moving out to live on my own again soon-ish so above all else, I ask that you don't send me a lot of trinkets or stuff that likely just catches dust. I'll have to skim things as is when I move out, since the house's entire basement is just my garbage right now, so I'm afraid I gotta be a bit of a spoilsport :yikes: So, until I know how much room I'll actually have for decoration, that sorta thing isn't great for me right now. Much to my chargrin, that includes plushies, art prints and such.

However! There are quite a few things that would still make me super happy and/or come in handy, so don't hesitate to let your imagination run wild, maybe with the help of one or more of these ideas:

- Scott McCloud books! Years ago, I had all three of his "[blank] Comics" books, but they've since seen so much wear and tear that I would love to have new copies, especially "Understanding Comics" and "Making Comics". They're absolutely fantastic resources and I found them very inspiring. Since I'm currently in the process of hopefully finally getting over my crippling fear of posting comics online, I would be really happy to go back to them for a read.

- Stress relief tools! This sounds a bit broad and honestly, it is, because there are so many things that apply and I wouldn't mind trying. Maybe you know a rad scented candle that actually smells great and not like fake trash? Maybe you like sewing and would make me a cute little stress ball or fidget toy? Maybe you have a really awesome book that teaches coping with fears, trauma or daily stress? Anything like that would be really interesting to me, particularly if it's something that has worked for you as well.

- Stickers & Patches! I really enjoy fun stickers and patches I can plaster all over my laptop, clothes and anywhere else I deem appropriate. Cute animals, ponies, whatever is good! I particularly like cute simple art styles and fun/awesome messages, especially if they are pro-LGBTQIA+ or feminist or what have you. To give you an idea, I have a "Nasty Woman" cup and a "Gaming's Feminist Illuminati" shirt, and a sticker of Yellowstar bucking a certain nazi pony in the face proudly adorns my laptop. Cute stuff, badass stuff, stuff that intersects the two - All awesome!

- Leggings & Socks! I'm a total sucker for anything with a fun pattern or print on it. I like long socks (at least knee-high, ideally even thigh-high) and leggings for both being cozy and for layering. Anything goes that you think would suit me! I've generally been alright with one-size-fits-all, but if you are unsure, I'm a 41 EU shoe size (a 9 US women, apparently) and have sorta long legs.

- Pony Things (maybe)! I still really enjoy the horsies, but it's admittedly a bit tricky at this point to get me something I don't already have covered by my stupid amount of horsie stuff. I really like Applejack and could use more stuff with her, though. If against all odds, you somehow get your hands on an affordable 4DE Applejack plush, I would love you forever and make an exception for the "no plushie" rule. Other than that though, I'd especially like decently useful household items, like towels, keychains, maybe a particularly rad shirt if you see one (I'm US Small and EU Medium, please no girl/slim fits!!), that sorta thing. Maybe you know a super awesome apple pie recipe?! Think outside the box, is what I'm getting at. I already have a ton of pony art prints, figurines, blindbags and whatnot, so please avoid those if you can.

Things I like in general and could really get whatever from:
- Steven Universe (best characters are Garnet, Peridot and Stevonnie but I love basically everything)
- Ducktales 2017 (gosh it's so right up my alley, considering I grew up basically addicted to European duck comics)
- Star Trek (Deep Space Nine is the best show, I'm also partial to Next Generation, Original Series is pretty nifty, haven't gotten into Discovery yet, avoid Voyager and Enterprise)
- Pokemon (I'm crazy about cute fight critters! Too many faves to list, but Chatot is the bestest of them all; I'm also very partial to Spheal, Wailord and Rowlet)
- Birds in general (especially cockatoos and parrots)
- Furry stuff (Literally anything nice featuring Bird-Me makes me happy, so if you wanna go down that route, feel free)
- Wrestling (The Undertaker rules so much)
- Nintendo things (Luigi is da best)
- Local/selfmade food (especially baked goods like cookies, maybe chocolates? My favorite flavors are salted caramel, anything with crunchy bits, coconut, white chocolate)

My Tumblr is generally a very good way to see what I like. I tag everything, so hopefully this is somewhat useful! Dig around and see the silly stuff I like!

Please avoid:
- Shirts! I have a ton of them, so unless it's that hypothetical especially rad Applejack shirt I mentioned, please avoid shirts.
- Alcohol! Anything containing alcohol is not for me.
- Nuts! I have slight issues with dairy but it's fine as long as it's not raw, but nuts tend to be a bit bad for me so please avoid them. Trace amounts are fine, however.

NOTE!! German customs can be real bastards, so pretty pretty please declare all your gifts correctly on the customs slip and package your gifts at least sorta decently as gifts. Food items also need to be in sealed containers of some kind, like tupperware or plastic wrap. Declaring it simply as a gift isn't enough, because German customs love double- and triple-checking. Wrapping things at least a bit giftlike helps a lot with this, and so does filling out all the customs paperwork (even if it ruins a bit of the surprise, but I can tear it off once the package gets here!)

Last but not least, decorate the package as much as you like! Seriously, go as wild as you like. Dumb memes and jokes and fun stuff are a big plus.

Thank you so much for getting through my list of thoughts, and for putting in whatever effort you are comfortable doing. You rock, Santa. :allears:
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Nautilee (?) » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:04 am

Signing up as an urchin. Will do wishlist stuff in a bit.

A few nice warm pairs of large socks. Seriously, it's cold up here.

Likes: Dragons, snakes, planes, videagames. Cool rocks and minerals, too. Nothing too big or bulky, though. Haven't had a way to make tea in a while, much less any to make, and I miss it.

Shirts: 2XL men's. I prefer more artsy or abstract, few words, so stuff like ForFanByFan's Painted Celestia as an example.

Being very general and terse here because I like being surprised.

Also, feel free to send something local and snacky.
Last edited by Nautilee on Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by drunkill (?) » Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:02 am

Ready for the christmas horsening.

I'm fine with whatever I recive, although if it is to be pony related I would much prefer it to be very, very subtle.

- Shirt size Aus XL/US Large
- Best pones: :vogue: :squintyjack:
- I like space stuff, I have gotten mugs and trackpants and nasa/spacex/blue origin shirts in the past and they are very good.
- Local foodstuffs, although do note it would have to be sealed food to past customs.
- I love dutch licorice so if you're from the continent you can probably buy types which are not really sold here. I love it all and really we only get black coins, salmiak rockies, doublesalt and the various diamonds. Would love it, venco stuff would be great.
- bideo gaemz! A code for a game on Steam, GOG or Xbox Live, you can check my profiles on steam and xbox if you wish.
- books! :twonk: I like scifi and fantasy books. While I have a lot of the classics I've been reading the Expanse books but only have the first three so far.

Tips for mailing to Australia:
- Keep the weight down, that can get expensive.
- No wood or organic material that isn't a foodstuff.
- Sealed food only, they'll probably throw out un-sealed..i dunno, dried fruit?
- Leave plenty of time for it to arrive, it can take awhile, especially at christmas
- No pony stuff on the package please. Don't write 'drunkill' on the box either (customs tend not to like that)

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Factory Factory (?) » Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:56 pm

Thank you to everyone who signed up! Assignments will go out this evening EST. If anyone wants to sneak a sign up before then, better get to it!
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Factory Factory (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:11 pm

All the mainline gift-exchange Secret Celestia e-mails are out! Check your PMs/E-mail for assignments!


p.s. Super Secret Santas and Lovable Urchins will receive e-mails and PMs later tonight.
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Octavia (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:39 pm

Target acquired :scheming:

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:31 pm

Got mine! Time to prepare for shopping!

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:59 pm

Exciting!! :party:
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Factory Factory (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:38 pm

oh no

I got a late e-mail, but they posted in the thread. I done fudged up, y'all; I was taking the e-mails as definitive. I gotta take two people, wreck your assignments, scramble 'em up good-like, and one of you will never know.

E: Fixed now! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW! :heehaw:
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Sailor Yue (?) » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:42 pm

I would have loved to participate, but I'm in such a bad situation, I'm just going to go ahead and just watch the thread cuz it's always fun have fun everyone

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by drunkill (?) » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:11 am

Let the gift hunting begin!

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Blarghalt (?) » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:16 pm

I'm already being tracked by NORAD

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by CorvusCaw (?) » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:03 pm

wish list... non-specific.
Birds! I love bird stuff. Posters, art, stickers, kitchenware, a doormat, etc. Especially toucans and/or any kind of corvid
(#crowvember). I also love river otters (not sea otters).
Favorite colors: Teal, purple
Local foods; got a good local waffle mix, jerky place or roasted nuts? Sure.
Anything coffee-related; coffee cups and actual coffee.
Clothing: I wear women's size XL Tall... I love duster cardigans and plaid, I need winter coats... but you generally can't find this within the price budget so don't worry about it. Winter hats, gloves are good.

Please no:
Please no more scarves or socks.
I've got a seagull necklace that I wear every day and will continue to until I lose it or die, so I don't need anything for my neck.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Willsun (?) » Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:10 am

I'm happy to see this tradition still going :)

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:55 am

Willsun wrote: โ†‘
Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:10 am
I'm happy to see this tradition still going :)
Oh hi! Happy to see you still going too! :party:
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Aramek (?) » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:18 am

I miss you and Sofia so bad.

Love ya man.
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Octavia (?) » Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:02 pm

Willsun wrote: โ†‘
Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:10 am
I'm happy to see this tradition still going :)

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Durandal (?) » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:33 am

ATTN: Aramek
Please PM me your Illinois address so I can send you........stuff :liarjack: the mail

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Octavia (?) » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:08 pm

Durandal wrote: โ†‘
Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:33 am
ATTN: Aramek
Please PM me your Illinois address so I can send you........stuff :liarjack: the mail
He's technically in...

INDIANA :flail:

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Aramek (?) » Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:28 pm

Turns out "Chicagoland" goes all the way to Gary, so I just say that and am technically correct.
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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by Factory Factory (?) » Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:49 pm

There is no guarantee that the wizard selling you that bag full of magic sand is wearing pants underneath his robes.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by drunkill (?) » Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:13 am

A package arrived from an online shop I have not used in about six months. So don't worry about it anymore santa.

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Re: Forumswide Secret Celestia 2018: The Hearthswarmening ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ…

Post by CorvusCaw (?) » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:14 am

Received a mysterious package

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