TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

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TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by SlateSlabrock (?) » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:53 pm


:party: It's Secret Celestia time! :socks:

This year, we're going to try returning to a gift exchange!

We will be using Elfster again this year for organization. Elfster is a Secret Santa Web site that handles assignments with a friendly interface.

How to sign up:
Click this invite link!

You will also be asked a few questions: Your forums username, any special shipping directions, and whether you are okay with decorations on the envelope of your card (if your Celestia so desires).

Also, feel free to post your wish list in this thread to give your Secret Celestia any ideas that might help!

What's the deadline?
Please sign up by Sunday, Nov. 5th. Assignments will be sent out the next day, Monday, Nov. 6th.

What to give

A thoughtful gift worth about $15-20 is the guideline. Going beyond that is fine too, but you should expect your own gift to fall in that range. If it's clear you didn't put any thought into your gift, or especially if you don't send anything, you may be banned from the forums.

Need a better feeling for typical gifts? Check out previous years' threads at the top of this post.

What NOT to give

Nothing illegal, nothing that would be seized by customs, and nothing breakable. Examples:
  • Nothing dangerous, even if it's a collectible (e.g. knives)
  • Avoid perishables, especially meat and produce
  • Alcohol may be okay domestically, but it's usually a no-go internationally
  • Liquids need to be packed super well to protect against breakage.
How to see your assignee's information
Fizzbuzz wrote:
Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:45 am
Edit for anyone who's new to using Elfster, like me: Click your santee's name, click "Secret Q & A" on the left, then click "answered" to see your santee's TRS name and envelope decorating preferences.
If you have any problems or questions:
You can post here, private message me, or send an e-mail to horsiesanta[at]gmail[dot]com.

Previous years:
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2012

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Aramek (?) » Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:21 pm

Aww hell yeah.


1. Something that is local to you. Something that shows off your wonderful home. Coffee, candy, soda, beer, whatever you're known for and love to show off to the world.

2. Rarity is best G4 pony. Hitch is the best G5 pony.

3. I love jazz. I love retrowave. I love Disco.

4. I love RPGs the most of all games. Board games too. You know of a board game that you love that nobody ever talks about or plays, maybe I'd love it!

American men's shirt 2X.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Smoke (?) » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:46 am

Sign me the heck up!

-Model kits wishlist. Keep in mind there's some big and/or unicorny stuff on there that I put on more as a reference for myself should I ever stumble across it at a reasonable price. To keep down shipping costs I'd recommend browsing some of the local retailers here in Bulgaria ( is one of them) as I know international shipping can be costly and/or slow.
- I'm also a big fan of Transformers, Megaman games and Zelda games. Got a Steam wishlist too around here somewhere.
- Candy and treats are welcome, I'll try anything once. It'd be nice to get something local from your area. I don't have any allergies you need to consider.
- In case you feel like sending t-shirts, I'm a US XL in size. I prefer the more subtle stuff so I can wear it to work too.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by SlateSlabrock (?) » Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:33 pm

Don't forget to sign up!

The list is pretty small this year, so please sign up by Sunday if you'd like to participate!

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Sat Nov 04, 2023 5:57 pm

Oh yeah I'm in!

My wish list is here: ... st_lists_1

In addition, anything local in your area are good, especially in terms of snacks! Any quirky indie comics that's not on Amazon are also welcome, too

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Vivianinatoga (?) » Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:56 pm

I should probably remember to do this part in time:

- Anything related to video games, cartoons, and musicals is always a safe choice. I'm good on branded t-shirts and goodies for the shelf, but if you've come across something nifty or goofy, I'm in.
- Musical instruments tend to be pricy, but in the past I've had Secret Celestias come up with some cool gifts in this vein that were well within budget (like an Otamatone or a kalimba/thumb harp) so don't ignore anything that may come across your view.
- I am fat and have an insatiable craving for trying new things, so any type of unique food is more than welcome. No known allergens.
- Related to that last point: surprise me! That's honestly the thing I look forward to most.

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by SlateSlabrock (?) » Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:35 pm

Names have been drawn! I haven't seen an e-mail go out yet, so you might need to check on Elfster to see who your target is. I'm not sure why. :pinkieshrug:

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Smoke (?) » Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:28 am

Can confirm that a target has been acquired, didn't get an e-mail though.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:57 am

Target acquired! :anticipation:

and yeah, I didn't get the email so I had to check the site for it

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:14 pm

VERY LATE EDIT: So sorry for the wait, but here is my wishlist! :pinkietoot: The fates decided to torture me with a nasty inner ear infection or I would have done this sooner, I swear.

For this 2023, things Perry would enjoy receiving:

- Anything related to voice acting! Especially cool books, access to a cool web/video course, or somesuch. I'm finally getting serious with my voice acting career and I would love anything that teaches me something of use, has helpful anecdotes, or other things you think are handy for my profession. I'm also always happy with nice teas because they keep my throat healthy! Just nothing that includes caffeine, please!

- Any cool little card- or boardgame! On request, I can gladly say what games I already have. I love trying new games, and my faves are games that take 0-3 hours, both competitive or co-op. I enjoy creative games, drafting games, deckbuilders, and anything with a nice aesthetic or theming that isn't mega overdone.

- Anything lovely and local to you! Be it history-related, a tasty treat that can make it safely via shipping, or whatever else. I always love learning about fun and possibly obscure local things, so go wild!

- Anything handmade! Especially things I can put on my wall, or anything plush-related. If you are artistically inclined or know someone who is, I am always happy with stuff like this. If you want to make it pony-related, my favorite characters are Applejack, Sunset Shimmer (both human and horse), and of course the ever wonderful problematic fave Discord. I am also an avid Pokemon collector and my faves there are Wailord/Wailmer, Spheal, Snom, Clodsire and Chatot, so I appreciate anything handmade featuring any of those as well.

Please Avoid: clothes (I just thinned out my wardrobe a lot), random knicknacks or figurines unless they are cool and local (I have so much stuff I still need to find display space for), anything that customs could hate (no magnets, no meats, no alcohol)

Be Advised: I will be spending Christmas at my inlaws' place in Utah in the US, so you will have to ship stuff there. Adress is included in the Elfster. Do keep in mind I will have to bring your gift back to Germany via plane, so don't make it too big!
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Kronos (?) » Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:17 pm

Target acquired. Time to make with the merriment!

Also, since everybody else is including a wishlist, I'll include mine for my santa:

1. I'm big into models. Trains, military stuff, even Gundams and mecha mesume things. I especially like weird and interesting looking subjects like conceptual or sci-fi models that never existed in real life or only as prototypes in so far as any non-IP related subjects go.

2. History stuff is also pretty cool, always something interesting out there I don't know about.

3. If you really want to send a shirt, my size is US XL. If it's a pony thing (or heck, railroad related) it's fine, but I'm not really in need of any shirts for the most part.

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:48 pm

I finally posted a wishlist like a giant delayed dingus!
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by SlateSlabrock (?) » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:37 pm

D'oh, got busy and forgot to post a wishlist.

Some general ideas:
- If you have any reading recommendations, I like to read! Sci-fi, fantasy, history, or anything that interested you.
- Music: I like anything chill or fun. Electronic, oldies, funky, instrumental, whatever.
- I don't collect much pony merch.
- My shirt size is American men's XL.

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Smoke (?) » Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:17 pm

Should add that something came in for me last week. It remains unopened until Christmas although my wife has taken a peek to avoid buying the same thing.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Aramek (?) » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:51 pm

Oh boy a pile of stuff showed up all on the same day somehow.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Kronos (?) » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:17 pm

Checking in to report that I got a mysterious box in the mail yesterday and inside it were two beautifully wrapped presents both labeled 'Secret Celestia', whereupon they became the first presents under the tree this year. Can't wait to open 'em up in two weeks time!

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Smoke (?) » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:04 pm

Got a call from the post office that I had a letter, and it appears to be an envelope with some sort of card suggesting it might be holiday-themed. I will open it on Christmas eve as is tradition in our family for the art of the unwrap, and no sooner.
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:34 am

I got my Secret Santa gift a few days ago! Shipped from the elves at Amazon

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Smoke (?) » Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:36 pm

Well, it is Christmas eve here which means it's the time of giving and receiving presents. So let's see what this year has brought!

First off, a few weeks ago I received an unexpected package from a local hobby store. I kept it shut but asked my wife to take a peek as she was also planning to buy model kits for me and the same wishlist is used. Then last week I got a call from the post office telling me a letter had arrived. It came from a faraway land so must have been from a Secret Celestia.


So let's open up the card first as that might clarify things.


Horsie card! But what does the inside say? Let's keep that a secret and open the box instead.


Not one, not two, but three model kits from my wishlist! In a variety of subjects too! As promised before I'll start on these next, pushing them ahead in the queue.

And who was this mystery generous person?


Thank you Kronos for this awesome gift!
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Mr. Big (?) » Mon Dec 25, 2023 1:16 am

Got a box from Amazon not too long ago


Got a "Downstown" book! This strip ran in the 1980s, and like "Doonesbury" and "Bloom County", was a formerly college newspaper strip that got picked up for mainstream distribution. Was curious about it, so I'm glad to get a big-ass book (it's over 300 pages)!

Thanks Aramek!

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Aramek (?) » Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:05 am

Happy Hearth's Warming everypony!

I got three packages (at the same time)!


Yay Bulgaria! Yay Smoke!
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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by SlateSlabrock (?) » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:10 am

Merry Christmas!

I moved this month, so I got a special delivery from Perry and Fontra, who happened to be nearby for the holidays! :-D


Thank you for the card, and the Christmas wishes:


Some Christmas sweets. I’ve been to their offices for work, so a familiar name:


And books! :twonk:

This one is a caste uprising on Mars:


And this is about a military AI gone rogue(?)

I’m excited to read both of them! Thank you very much, both of you! And get well soon, Fontra!

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Kronos (?) » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:02 pm

So, finally got around to opening my two-piece Secret Celestia gift today and I am absolutely ecstatic!
HG Witch From Mercury Gundam Aerial AND an extremely cool (and holy cow EXPENSIVE) book of railroad photography!

I actually thought it was funny the other day when checking my collection on how I seem to have gotten every Gundam from the G-Witch lineup EXCEPT for any version of the Aerial, the main character's mecha, so this will fill that hole wonderfully! And of course I love old pictures of the bygone era of railroading, so this will make for some excellent cozy looking through.

I don't think it was mentioned anywhere in the associated documents like the receipts that said who my Secret Celestia was, but whoever you are, thank you so much!
Smoke wrote:
Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:36 pm
Well, it is Christmas eve here which means it's the time of giving and receiving presents. So let's see what this year has brought!

First off, a few weeks ago I received an unexpected package from a local hobby store. I kept it shut but asked my wife to take a peek as she was also planning to buy model kits for me and the same wishlist is used. Then last week I got a call from the post office telling me a letter had arrived. It came from a faraway land so must have been from a Secret Celestia.


So let's open up the card first as that might clarify things.


Horsie card! But what does the inside say? Let's keep that a secret and open the box instead.


Not one, not two, but three model kits from my wishlist! In a variety of subjects too! As promised before I'll start on these next, pushing them ahead in the queue.

And who was this mystery generous person?


Thank you Kronos for this awesome gift!
Absolutely thrilled you love the kits and I can't wait to see them posted in the model thread. Super eager to see your handiwork, especially what direction you take that submarine in.

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Re: TRS Secret Celestia gift exchange 2023!

Post by Perrydotto (?) » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:37 pm

SlateSlabrock wrote:
Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:10 am
I’m excited to read both of them! Thank you very much, both of you! And get well soon, Fontra!
Glad you enjoy!! In all these years of participating in Secret Celestia, I never had been able to just drop off a gift for someone in person before so that was fun!

Your wishlist was a bit of a challenge due to its vagueness, so I just tried asking the cutest and nerdiest looking girl working at Barnes & Nobles for recs that would be a bit out of the super mainstream fare. Illuminae is apparently mostly told through found spaceship logs and such, which Fontra claims "is the kinda shit goons love", so lemme know if that is true :-P

Meanwhile, the wonderful and excellent Vivianinatoga sent me this in the digital post:


Thank you so much for Overcooked, Vivian!! And ... whatever those mystery gifts are that I have not seen yet?!
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